Facility Use
Mahtomedi Public Schools facilities are available for use by public organizations provided they can produce proof of adequate insurance and agree to adhere to the policies, procedures and fees outlined in the Facility Use Guidelines. Thank you for visiting! Please review the information below.
Stephanie Groff, Athletics & Facilities Coordinator: 651-407-2223, stephanie.groff@isd832.net
Kylie Nyman, Administrative Assistant to the Director: 651-407-2018, kylie.nyman@isd832.net
How to Arrange the Use of School Facilities
1. Read through our Facilities Use Guidelines.
2. Read through the Facility Use Fees.
3. Read the Certificate of Liability Insurance information. Insurance is required of all district facility renters.
4. First-time requesters, please complete the online request form, or contact Kylie Nyman at 651-407-2018, kylie.nyman@isd832.net.
5. Existing requesters, click the blue "Request a Facility" button below and log in to your Eleyo account to create a request.
6. We will process requests on a first-come, first-served basis, with the exception of sports (scheduled on a meet and confer basis). Once your request has been processed and approved, a copy of the Facility Use Permit will be emailed to the contact person.
7. Sign and return the permit via email, kylie.nyman@isd832.net, or mail to Mahtomedi Community Education no later than two weeks prior to the event. Once the signed permit is received, the permit is binding. No changes will be made later than two weeks prior to your event due to custodial and building supervision that may need to be arranged to accommodate your request.